Q. I have a 28" 1080p hdtv, and was wondering if it would be bad to use it for long periods of time as a computer monitor. It'll be about a little over a foot or two from my face, as I'm sitting at a desk. Will this cause anything bad to happen to my eyes? Is there anyway to avoid this?
A. its just like using a lcd monitor. so no it probably isnt bad for your face.
Is an HDTV worse than a computer monitor to your eye?
Q. I just bought a computer that comes without a monitor, so I use the HDTV in my house as my computer monitor. Though, it is big and clear, but I feel tired very soon. I feel like my eye is worsen than. My mom keeps telling me to change my monitor. Does anyone know anything about monitors and optics? I am very concern about my eyes, don't wanna blind so soon.
A. It probably has to do with the size of the screen and how close you are to it. HD or a regular monitor won't make any difference...but a huge screen, and sitting close will cause eye strain quickly.
Like sitting in the first 10 rows at a movie theatre is hard on the eyes.
Don't worry...it won't make you blind. When it makes you tired, you stop....that is your brain protecting you.
Like sitting in the first 10 rows at a movie theatre is hard on the eyes.
Don't worry...it won't make you blind. When it makes you tired, you stop....that is your brain protecting you.
Can I have a dual monitor set-up with a computer monitor and a HD TV?
Q. I want to purchase a Dell Zino HD. HDMI and VGA outputs are on it. So can I connect a dual monitor set up with an HDTV and the computer monitor?
A. you should be able to do this simply by plugging them both in and running the monitor calibration options in Display in the Control Panel. What you need to be aware of with the Zino is that the VGA chip is rather poor, and you may find the resolutions available are not compatible with your TV leaving you with less than great screen clarity on the HD TV. It does suggest the the Zino is HD capable (as it is in the title) but graphics wise it is nothing special.
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