best quality 46 hdtv
I want to buy an 40" - 46" HDTV (1080p) for my home to replace my 10 year old 40 " CRT TV. I've seen different types out there: Plasma, LED. LCD. What's the difference and which is considered best (quality-wise). Any references to links that explain the different types of TVs on the market now. I'm just now able to afford getting into 21st century technology and would like some help.
Confused about what type of TV to buy? LED LCD Plasma.. How to choose?
After all, there are so many acronyms and buzzwords to wrap your head around, such as 1080p, 120/240Hz, 24p, HDMI and LED backlighting. Huh?
Along with deciding how big a screen you want (which is usually tied to the size of your budget and the dimensions of your room), the next choice should be between LCD.LCD (LED Backlit) or Plasma â and all have their merits. Here, we'll describe each of these formats, and also point out their shortcomings.
What is it?
lcd tv 120mhzSimilar to your laptop computer's monitor, flat-panel LCD televisions use a liquid crystal display to produce a sharp and bright picture; these crystals are sandwiched between two panes of polarized glass, which are stimulated by an electric current and illuminated by fluorescent tubes housed behind the glass. Some newer LCD TVs, however, use LED-backlighting instead. LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, translate to a better-looking picture (see photo).
There are a number of advantages to buying a LCD televisions. For one, with more than three-quarters of all televisions embracing this technology, there is a lot of choice when it comes to manufacturers, models and sizes (13- to 103-inches, in fact). Competition, of course, breeds more aggressive pricing, too, which is good news for the consumer.
Flat-panel LCD televisions are also very thin, light and energy efficient, and are ideal for rooms with plenty of ambient light, which, for example, comes through large windows as they tend to absorb rather than reflect light (reflected light can obscure your view of the screen).
Until recently, LCD TVs didn't handle fast motion images as well as plasma TVs, resulting in a somewhat blurred image. Newer LCD TVs, though, have added technologies such as 120Hz frame doubling (or 240Hz frame quadrupling) to smooth out motion. It's still not as good as plasma, but much better than before. Also, LCD TVs used to have problems showing dark blacks (because a light was still on behind the pixel showing black, resulting in a more greyish hue). Many LCD televisions today use local-dimming with LED-backlighting (see next section) for improved contrast ratios (whiter whites and blacker blacks) - but, keep in mind, this is not an issue associated with plasma TVs.
LCD (LED Backlit)
What is it? Not a Different Type of TV
led lcd tv backlighting backlitItâs tempting to think LEDs belong in a completely separate category beside LCD and plasma TVs, but in reality, an LED television is just a type of LCD TV. The proper term would really be "LED-backlit LCD TV," but that always seems to get truncated to "LED TV" in everyday conversation, perpetuating the confusion.
To understand how LEDs function in an LCD TV, think of an actual liquid-crystal panel as the plastic pegs in a Lite Brite. They hold a translucent image, but without a powerful backlight to punch through and light it up like a signboard, youâre not going to see much. On your old Lite Bright, an inefficient incandescent light did the job, but pretty unevenly. On a typical LCD TV, fluorescent lights provide the backlighting through a special plastic sheet called a light guide that distributes light from a fluorescent tube evenly over the surface of the TV. On an LED-backlit TV, fluorescent tubes are replaced with light-emitting diodes â LEDs â the same technology that probably lights up your digital watch, the buttons on your monitor, and the indicators on your stereo. They can be either situated along the edges of the TV like a fluorescent tube, or arranged directly behind the screen in a grid. But what difference does it make, and why would anyone spend so much money on it?
The Benefit of LEDs
The most obvious reason LEDs have fallen into favor in LCD TVs: theyâre simply more efficient. Although fluorescent lights do a decent job converting electricity to light in the big scale of things, LEDs perform even better. Typically, manufacturers claim an efficiency improvement of up to 30 percent over fluorescent-based sets, which can add up significantly over the lifetime of a TV, especially on larger screens that use more juice to begin with.
LEDs are also much smaller than tubes, even after accounting for the number of them needed to light an entire TV. That means LED-backlit televisions can be manufactured significantly thinner than their tube cousins. For instance, most of the ultra-thin televisions that measured under an inch thick at CES used LED backlights, because they add very little depth to the profile. Though commercial variants arenât quite as dramatically thin as these prototypes, theyâre significantly skinnier than their fluorescent-backlit counterparts, making them some of the most chic and living-room-friendly HDTVs out there.
For home theater enthusiasts, LEDs only matter for one reason: image quality. Because fluorescent tubes mu
What is the best and cheapest Big Screen HDTV available?
Q. I'm looking for a 46" or 50" big screen TV. My budget is around $900 - $1100. I'm not to concerned with the type of TV, wether it's LCD, Plasma or Projection. Although, this new TVs main purpose is for gaming, so it must have HDMI and at least 720p. I'm also worried about latency as I've read that some newer televisions can be a little slow to display the image due to the image processing that takes place. Does anyone have any good recomendations as to a tv brand or type that fills all these criteria and is within my budget? I'm not opposed to purchasing online although I still want to stay within my budget after tax and shipping fees.
I do in fact have a recomendation and it's one shared by most experts in the audio/visual field. At this point in time the Hitachi f59 series is the absolute best bang for the buck available on the market, bar none. LCD? Plasma? DLP? Nope, it's got every set below $3000 covered hands down in every relevant category, be it picture quality, gaming performance or maintenance cost. The fact is that CRT is still the benchmark all others are judged by and at this point in time a High Def rear projection set such as the Hitachi offers the savvy buyer all the goodies without the hassles.
The F59 series is available in 51, 57 and 65 inch screen sizes, and as to price, well lets just say that on a good sale day you can pick up the 65 for between $1000-$1200 and the 57 for $999. Personally, I'd wait for the annual 'After the Super Bowl' sales as most retailers really offer some blowout pricing at this time, many close to those of 'Black Friday'. It was 'Black Friday' which put the 51 inch version on my doorstep at $699 shipped and I couldn't be happier with this set, heck I'd have paid full price and still considered it a steal. Yes, it really IS that good! But don't just take my word for it, take a look for youself at some of the factors which lead me to this purchase.
For instance lets look at the bulbs, or should I say lack of. ALL of the others technologies require an arc lamp bulb to provide the light source and it does a wonderful job...for about two years. 18-24 months is the average life expectancy of these bulbs under normal viewing conditions, then its time for replacement at a cost of $200. Average that out over the ten plus years you'll watch your typical CRT rear projection set like the Hitachi with ZERO bulbs and you'll see just what the latest 'High Tech' is really worth.
As you're a gamer this is the best choice once again due to a few things, the foremost being response time. CRT doesn't have to measure pixel response in milliseconds because there are none, thus instant and true image representaion is there 24/7/365. This is critical when playing first person shooters such as Halo on Xbox Live as the lag associated with the other technologies allows the slightest bit of lag. Sure, a 10ms lag doesn't seem like much but it is the difference in that hitting and missing those vital split second shots, the difference between tea bagging an downed opponent or cursing yourself blue over why your 'dead on' head shot failed to take out the bad guy. Of course the fact you require an HDMI port tells me you're of the PS3 persuasion but this set does indeed have and support HDMI so that's another base covered. Oh, and screen 'Burn In' isn't really an issue either anymore so than any other set, in fact less if proper caution such as not leaving ANYTHING paused for extended periods of time are taken.
Now as far as movie watching goes I certainly hope you have access to a lot of DVDs because viewing them on this set is more addictive than heroin or internet porn. My personal collection grows by the week now, even movies I've seen a million times gain new life on this set. And as for cable, well I have digital cable and see NO reason to upgrade to HD because the Standard def stations would remain the same and the combo of digital and this TV make you swear you were watching true High Def when tuned to any of the Discovery Network channels.
I'll not even go into the realm of picture quality, suffice to say 1080i with the true blacks and true color representation only CRT can deliver is still king of the hill despite every attempt to knock it off. So go ahead and pull the trigger on one of these bad boys, I promise, you'll not be dissapointed in any way, shape or form. Good luck and happy viewing
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