Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What does a TV resolution of 1080P mean compared to 1375 x 785?

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I am looking at two TVs:

Pioneer KURO PDP-6010FD 60" 1080p Plasma HDTV

Pioneer PDP-6070HD 60" PureVision Plasma HDTV

The second one is 1375 x 785 and I would like to know the perceivable difference in picture quality between the two. Thanks.

If you are watching Blu-Ray or HD-DVD, then, maybe then, you will see a better picture on the 1080p.
If you're watching regular cable or satellite HD channels, you won't notice a difference.
Until 1080p sources are more common, you can save some money.
Google search interlaced, progressive, frames per second, for more info.

Is there really that big of a difference between hdtv and regular tv?


I was planning on getting a big plasma or hdtv but I just don't see if its worth all of that money.

olderbutwiser hit it on the head......


if it was just a marketing gimmic.......
us Techies.....high end users
would NOT waste the money on it

it's not a $5,000 Chia Pet or pet rock here....

not that it proves the point but 5X the bandwitdh....gotta be more quality there....

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