Friday, September 6, 2013

Blu ray players and viewing distance?

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I've read alot about proper viewing distances for viewing blu ray movies and HDTV. My viewing distance is way outside of the range. I have a 65" RP CRT which is 1080i, and my viewing distance is about 16 feet away. Is buying a blu ray a player a waste of my money or should I invest in a good upconvert dvd player instead.

Invest in a Blu-ray player as the quality is great. Even on my HDCP 20" 720p monitor the difference between DVD and Blu-ray is huge, you won't notice the bad quality that DVD has until you watch a Blu-ray Disc movie, even the bad discs are good.

The interactivity is also good if you buy a bonus view player as Blu-ray Disc gives PiP, and Hi-def audio, and upscaled DVD isn't anything as good as Blu-ray Discs. Anyway a DVD upscaler can't upscale audio of interactivity.

However do you have a HDMI connection, because over component which is analouge the studios can freely downconvert the signal into DVD quality, due to the Image Constaint Token, or deny to play in the near future (Digital Only Token (DOT)). Some third parties say that they won't use it until 2010 to 2012, but it is not confirmed, and the studios can use it if they wish, anyway since the format war is over, it might be used. Check wheither you have HDMI, as far as I know not many CRT's have HDMI.

16 Feet away is a huge distance but, since you have a large screen it will look a lot better than DVD, but 10 Feet will be ideak for you.

Blu-ray is great, but make sure you have HDMI, as component isn't future proof. Also buy a PS3 as it's cheap and it can do Bonus View and BD LIVE where most players can't, be upgrade only PS3's and PC Drives can be upgraded.

But since you have a HUGE screen Blu-ray will be a good investment, even if you don't have HDMI (as only Warner hasn't really said wheither they will not use it, and 2010-2012 is a long time), and also if you don't have HDMI I don't think upconvert DVD players can upconvert with component, they might be able to with VGA, not sure though.

But....... if you don't won't to spend money on Blu-ray pickup a HD DVD player with HDMI, for a sweet upconverter, and you can take advantage of the clearance of over 300 HD DVD titiles like Harry Potter, Transformers , Poseidon , Shrek, Troy and much more, and build up a massive library in you home. It has to be noted that if you won't buy Blu-ray, HD DVD players are the BEST upconverters, and they are going dead cheap though to the format war, and it is always neglected that HD DVD players can upscale very well, but it will always be second rate compared with Blu-ray, or a native HD source.

In the end it depends with you, but if you are going for Blu-ray buy a PS3 with a HDMI connection, and check wheither you have HDMI, as you won't get upscaled DVD's without it most of the time. Still for the time being Blu-ray can do HD via analouge component up to 1080i (which you have), and VGA can do full HD ( no point for 1080i though).

So have a think about it, in the end it's about your budget, but since you have a large TV Blu-ray should be better than DVD even if it is upscaled, anyway you can't be sure that all DVD upscalers are good, although HD DVD players are good upscalers.

But on an upside Blu-ray has better picture quality, better audio (dependant on players decoders for audio) and more interactivity (dependant on Player Profiles).

Will the dvd recorder - vcr combo have to be HDTV compatable?

Kay K

I'm considering purchasing the dvd recorder - vcr player and need help in selecting an easy to operate system. Also, will it be obsolete in 2009 when all TV's will be HDTV? Can CD-RW be used as a DVD disc?

First of all, not all TVs will be HDTV. On February 17th, 2009, TV stations will stop broadcasting in analog signal and start broadcasting in digital. You will now receive digital television (DTV). The only people this will affect are people who are using an antennae to receive their signal. If you receive cable or satellite, they will be allowed to continue broadcasting in analog signal until at least 2012. If they choose to do otherwise, they must let you know.

Secondly, DTV does NOT mean HDTV. HDTV is the best quality of DTV. There are two other levels - SDTV and EDTV. After Feb 17th, 2009, all new TV's must be equipped with a digital tuner. Most new TVs now already have digital tuners in them; and most new TVs are HDTV compatible, but you must pay extra through your provider for HDTV service.

Thirdly, with most major studies switching over to Blu-Ray format, you're better off buying a BluRay player, and not DVD. If you're looking to record TV shows, get a TiVo.

Finally, no, CD-RWs cannot be used as a DVD disc. It is a different format. Your DVD recorder will be able to read a CD-RW, but it will most likely not be able to burn to it.

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