Saturday, November 16, 2013

What is the very best quality picture for video glasses? I want high quality and versatility.?

best 3d hdtv picture quality
 on Vizio M3D650SV 65
best 3d hdtv picture quality image
Q. Some offer the equivalant of a 42" and some even 80" tv. Must be HD also...Thanks guys.
I want the largest offered BUT that still gives the highest quality picture. Must be compatible with xbox 360 and ps3 and hopefully direct tv. Their fairly new so I don't know lots about them.

Here are a few links HD

Maybe you will find something you are looking for

Good luck


Karena K what has your link to do with Camcorders oh sorry your trying to sell a book for $40.

What kind of people love to watch high def videos and what kind don't care about high def videos?


I'm amazed to have just found out that there are people who don't care about HDTV. I love HDTV and watching the video, when the picture looks awesome it makes me want to drool.

Are you someone who loves HDTV or not? If you do, why? If you don't, why?

The types of people that don't care about HD are, (generally, not as a rule), old people, children, or people interested in things like sports & other earthy things, or those whos main concern is being cool & going out.

On the other hand, some of this audience may often go for HD because they hear it's the thing to do, (& now it's the only option at all), but they may often buy an overpriced HDTV just so they're sure it's a 'good' one, & then watch standard-def content on it, unaware. If shown the difference in resolution, refresh rates, & compression bit-rates, they may not even notice, & they probably still buy DVD's or rely on on-demand video services instead of hard copies, (which always have better quality & more extras). They likely use their TVs primarilly for video games & sports matches. If they have an HD camcorder, (which most are today), they, (again), may spend alot to make sure it's a 'good' one, & then they use Windows Movie Maker to burn of standard DVD of their footage, &, in the slim chance they notice it isn't HD anymore, they wonder why.

HD is mostly appreciated by video afficianadoes, movie buffs, & geeks. (I'm sort of all 3.)
Then again, even among us, there is division. Some don't care about 3D, &, because they're ignorant about what it really is, they may write it off as a gimmick. Others knew it was the way of the future before it became mainstream & use it as a legitimate art form & presentation method.

I personally love HD because SD is often so rife with compression artifacts, & this really detracts from the realism. Besides that, obviously, is the higher resolution. Even older film content not filmed on digital HD cameras benefits from being transfered this way, creating the closest thing to watching the original film strip, & often even better.

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