the PS4 and new XBOX being 2016 or beyond? i mean the next stop would be the final one since you cant go over photorealism
no, officialy the PS2 was only 6 years, because the PS3 came out in 2006. I dont care how long they make game for a system, some games for the dreamcast and neogeo are still being made after 18 years. i am talking about an official new system
Someone recently asked if it was really true that the ps4 and xbox720 would be released in 2010. Which is ridiculous. They might start work on a new xbox that soon, but it will take a long time to develop, and they won't likely call it xbox720, either, "720" only relates to snowboarders or skaters.
Both consoles were designed to satisfy the high-end HD market. Only a small percentage of people have HDTV's yet. After February 2009 that percentage will make a jump, but it will still be years before it even reaches the halfway point. Maybe 2013 or so.
Next, the xbox and ps3 are the limit of current home-pc processing technology. Processors reached their current, 2 to 3 ghz limit about 5 years ago, due to heat problems. A recent advance in chip technology will allow faster chips to be made, but it's not even close to being implemented yet. The xbox has 3 fast processors, and the ps3 has a staggering 7. That's about as many processors as you can put into a computer or console, and still have it be cost-effective and have developers making applications for it.
So the bottom line is basically, they CAN'T make the next generation yet. The technology it will have to involve is in its infancy, I doubt it will be implemented in time to save Moore's Law, maybe in big mainframes or servers it will be implemented in 2 or 3 years, but I think it will realistically hit PC's in about 2012 or 2013. Console developers need to see how it works in PC's before putting it in consoles, so giving them a couple years dev time would put the next generation around 2014 to 2016.
Now about that photorealism thing, I disagree, there's a lot more to do to make games more realistic and lifelike.
For one thing, most 3D games use classical rules of perspective, ignoring the way the world actually looks to your eyes. You don't see a rectangle in front of you, and you have much more peripheral vision too. If you turn quickly in a 3D shooter, straight lines often look curved. Devs have been making optical tricks to deal with this for a while, but there is much work to be done.
A couple years back, Sony showed off the first flexible LCD video screen. That's right, you could conceivably have a game system where the screen wraps around in a semicircle around you, or even a "virtual reality" room where the screen surrounds you. Games for such a system will be awesome and will take more than the next generation to handle
Someone recently asked if it was really true that the ps4 and xbox720 would be released in 2010. Which is ridiculous. They might start work on a new xbox that soon, but it will take a long time to develop, and they won't likely call it xbox720, either, "720" only relates to snowboarders or skaters.
Both consoles were designed to satisfy the high-end HD market. Only a small percentage of people have HDTV's yet. After February 2009 that percentage will make a jump, but it will still be years before it even reaches the halfway point. Maybe 2013 or so.
Next, the xbox and ps3 are the limit of current home-pc processing technology. Processors reached their current, 2 to 3 ghz limit about 5 years ago, due to heat problems. A recent advance in chip technology will allow faster chips to be made, but it's not even close to being implemented yet. The xbox has 3 fast processors, and the ps3 has a staggering 7. That's about as many processors as you can put into a computer or console, and still have it be cost-effective and have developers making applications for it.
So the bottom line is basically, they CAN'T make the next generation yet. The technology it will have to involve is in its infancy, I doubt it will be implemented in time to save Moore's Law, maybe in big mainframes or servers it will be implemented in 2 or 3 years, but I think it will realistically hit PC's in about 2012 or 2013. Console developers need to see how it works in PC's before putting it in consoles, so giving them a couple years dev time would put the next generation around 2014 to 2016.
Now about that photorealism thing, I disagree, there's a lot more to do to make games more realistic and lifelike.
For one thing, most 3D games use classical rules of perspective, ignoring the way the world actually looks to your eyes. You don't see a rectangle in front of you, and you have much more peripheral vision too. If you turn quickly in a 3D shooter, straight lines often look curved. Devs have been making optical tricks to deal with this for a while, but there is much work to be done.
A couple years back, Sony showed off the first flexible LCD video screen. That's right, you could conceivably have a game system where the screen wraps around in a semicircle around you, or even a "virtual reality" room where the screen surrounds you. Games for such a system will be awesome and will take more than the next generation to handle
Why is there no PAL or NTSC games on the PS3?

i mean the 360 and wii (i think the wiiU also) have pal and ntsc games but the PS3 doesnt, and when i asked about the differences between pal and ntsc they told me that it is all about graphic and nothing else (1 is american the other is european or something like that) and did the PS2 have pal and ntsc games?? (i dont quite remember DX)
and does the WiiU and will the 720 have pal and ntsc?
and thanks
Those answers are either wrong or incomplete......................
Simply because of individual companies policy.
Sony does not allow any regional restrictions on its consoles released after 2006. All publishers must release region free games, while modern consoles of Microsoft and Nintendo still do.
That means PS3, PSP, PS Vita games are all region free.
While for PS3 games they still provide either ( optional NTSC or PAL ) + at least one HD output.
That means if a user use the old type SDTV, he need to do TV matching to the game disc, or graphic problem may occur on certain discs.
If he uses HDTV with HDMI cabled, then no problem. The output uses 720i, 1080p ..etc
In short:
PAL / NTSC on PS3 games stands for output only
PAL / NTSC on WII and xbox , xbox 360 stands for compatibility only ( the connection between game disc and console )
And this compatibility are divided into 3 types ( NTSC-U/C, NTSC-J, PAL ) , NOT 2 types.
In conclusion.
For PS3 games, users need to do matching between game disc and TV if they have no HDTV.
For PS2, Wii, WII U, xbox and xbox 360 games, users need to do matching between game disc and console.
Note: xbox 360 games are a lot different, Microsoft let publishers to decide whether to have to region locked or not, and most of them made disc region free.
Hence, there are lot of xbox 360 games are region free indeed, and do not have this restrictions
People there always got confused with output =/= compatibility, and thought they are same thing.....
xbox 720 compatibility is not yet announced by this date 21 Feb 2013, but its expected to be region locked which is a bad sign. We do hope they still let publishers to decide it like those xbox 360 ones did.
Those answers are either wrong or incomplete......................
Simply because of individual companies policy.
Sony does not allow any regional restrictions on its consoles released after 2006. All publishers must release region free games, while modern consoles of Microsoft and Nintendo still do.
That means PS3, PSP, PS Vita games are all region free.
While for PS3 games they still provide either ( optional NTSC or PAL ) + at least one HD output.
That means if a user use the old type SDTV, he need to do TV matching to the game disc, or graphic problem may occur on certain discs.
If he uses HDTV with HDMI cabled, then no problem. The output uses 720i, 1080p ..etc
In short:
PAL / NTSC on PS3 games stands for output only
PAL / NTSC on WII and xbox , xbox 360 stands for compatibility only ( the connection between game disc and console )
And this compatibility are divided into 3 types ( NTSC-U/C, NTSC-J, PAL ) , NOT 2 types.
In conclusion.
For PS3 games, users need to do matching between game disc and TV if they have no HDTV.
For PS2, Wii, WII U, xbox and xbox 360 games, users need to do matching between game disc and console.
Note: xbox 360 games are a lot different, Microsoft let publishers to decide whether to have to region locked or not, and most of them made disc region free.
Hence, there are lot of xbox 360 games are region free indeed, and do not have this restrictions
People there always got confused with output =/= compatibility, and thought they are same thing.....
xbox 720 compatibility is not yet announced by this date 21 Feb 2013, but its expected to be region locked which is a bad sign. We do hope they still let publishers to decide it like those xbox 360 ones did.
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