Well we are in the new era so why not digital projectors? I know there are digital ones but not very much ones out yet
It's merely taking time for the multiplexes to acquire and install digital projectors. The digital projectors in theaters aren't the little briefcase-sized ones used for company presentations or home theaters; they're large machines the size of refrigerators, many of them capable of projecting four times the number of pixels of HDTVs, and they cost tens of thousands of dollars each. They also require an upgrade to the screen; so the total cost of upgrading a single theater is about $70,000.
So to go from a standard that was used by EVERY theater for practically a century and completely convert over to a new one is a process that has been (and is going to) take a lot of time. Of the roughly 36,000 cinema screens in the U.S., about 16,000 have converted to digital as of 2010, with a plan to have 20,000 converted by 2013 as part of a billion-dollar project initiated in 2009.
It's merely taking time for the multiplexes to acquire and install digital projectors. The digital projectors in theaters aren't the little briefcase-sized ones used for company presentations or home theaters; they're large machines the size of refrigerators, many of them capable of projecting four times the number of pixels of HDTVs, and they cost tens of thousands of dollars each. They also require an upgrade to the screen; so the total cost of upgrading a single theater is about $70,000.
So to go from a standard that was used by EVERY theater for practically a century and completely convert over to a new one is a process that has been (and is going to) take a lot of time. Of the roughly 36,000 cinema screens in the U.S., about 16,000 have converted to digital as of 2010, with a plan to have 20,000 converted by 2013 as part of a billion-dollar project initiated in 2009.
What type of Film did video cameras for Hollywood use in the 1970's to make Hollywood movies?

I know that people who made home movies in the 70's used 35mm, 16mm, 8mm any others if you know???
I assume it would have been different and or better than the type of film used for home movie films of the same time???
Can you name the calibers and sizes of professional hollywood movie Video Camera film???
I can find out a lot about home movie making back then but not about what movie studios of hollywood used that is why i am asking.
Also about today's recording media it is probably since we are in the digital age. Are hollywood movie Cameras recording Digitally to a Hard Drive or something like that nowadays???
I figure any type of video tape for recording a hollywood movie has not been used in years because we are in the digital age. So any videos Cameras hollywood uses today is saving to a Hard Drive Digitally is what i figure anyway.
I always wondered to are Video Cameras going back to the 70's to Present Day 2013 what types of power sources did they use like Car Batteries,Power Cords plugged to wall outlets or some other type of battery???
I say Car Batteries and power cords plugged to wall outlets because i figure it would take something pretty heavy duty to run a Video Camera for a Movie and not some lithium ion rechargeable proprietary battery like home video cameras use today in the present day.
I ask these questions because i have always had an interest in Video and Still Cameras. Both of the Consumer Home Category and the Big Leauges where Movies of Hollywood for the Big Screen are made.
I Really do appreciate your helpful answers community.
Hollywood movies since the era of "talkies" have been shot on either 1 inch or 2 inch wide film strips. Known in the trade as "35mm" and "65mm". Silent movies and home movies from the 20s used 16mm or 1/2 inch wide film. then Kodak came out with its 8mm format for home movie use. 8mm is the same identical film as 16mm double perf but only exposed for half the width. the reel is flipped at the end and then the other side is exposed. 8mm is also 16 fps instead of 24 fps used for theatrical movies. thus it consumed a lot less film making it affordable for home use. after exposure, the double shot camera reel was developed, split down the center and spliced together to make a single 3.5 minute reel of 1/4 inch wide film with sprocket holes on one side only. The reels for 8mm film are the same as for 1/4 inch audio tape except they have a feature that prevents them from being mounted backwards on the projector.
when videotape came out with portable cameras for consumer use that pretty much ended the 8mm movie era. Kodak and other camera makers came out with Super8 which was a cartridge film system to try and compete. Compared to 8mm it offered improvements, like sound, higher frame rate (18 fps) slightly larger image size, battery power, and ease of handling, but the public preferred VHS that could be viewed on the TV set instead of requiring a projector and screen.
the majority of Hollywood movies are still shot on 65mm film. the film is often converted to 4k video for the purpose of editing and special effects creation and then regenerated back to film for theatrical use. it has only been very recently that CCD technology has improved to allow 4k video to be imaged directly by a digital camera, so that is the future of movie making as it matches the 4k video editing that has been done in Hollywood since the 1980s.. HDTV is 1k video for comparison.
there is a huge gap in quality between equipment made for the motion picture industry and home use. that is mostly because the big screen requires far more resolution than a TV set.
Hollywood movies since the era of "talkies" have been shot on either 1 inch or 2 inch wide film strips. Known in the trade as "35mm" and "65mm". Silent movies and home movies from the 20s used 16mm or 1/2 inch wide film. then Kodak came out with its 8mm format for home movie use. 8mm is the same identical film as 16mm double perf but only exposed for half the width. the reel is flipped at the end and then the other side is exposed. 8mm is also 16 fps instead of 24 fps used for theatrical movies. thus it consumed a lot less film making it affordable for home use. after exposure, the double shot camera reel was developed, split down the center and spliced together to make a single 3.5 minute reel of 1/4 inch wide film with sprocket holes on one side only. The reels for 8mm film are the same as for 1/4 inch audio tape except they have a feature that prevents them from being mounted backwards on the projector.
when videotape came out with portable cameras for consumer use that pretty much ended the 8mm movie era. Kodak and other camera makers came out with Super8 which was a cartridge film system to try and compete. Compared to 8mm it offered improvements, like sound, higher frame rate (18 fps) slightly larger image size, battery power, and ease of handling, but the public preferred VHS that could be viewed on the TV set instead of requiring a projector and screen.
the majority of Hollywood movies are still shot on 65mm film. the film is often converted to 4k video for the purpose of editing and special effects creation and then regenerated back to film for theatrical use. it has only been very recently that CCD technology has improved to allow 4k video to be imaged directly by a digital camera, so that is the future of movie making as it matches the 4k video editing that has been done in Hollywood since the 1980s.. HDTV is 1k video for comparison.
there is a huge gap in quality between equipment made for the motion picture industry and home use. that is mostly because the big screen requires far more resolution than a TV set.
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