Sunday, September 8, 2013

What is the best online source for understanding HDTV sets?

best reviews for hdtv
 on HDTV Review Best 2013 HD TV Comparison | TV Reviews #1 | Best HDTV ...
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What I really need is "HDTV Buying for Dummies" (smile) or a good online glossary so that I can understand all of the different technical terms and functions related to the new LCD televisions, and how these things relate to me as a buyer. Things have gotten very complicated over the last decade. Thanks.

You can see the CNET buying guide for televisions at:

What kind of HDTV is the best for gaming?


I am curious as to what kind of HDTV (Plasma, LCD, DLP) is the best for gaming. Of the TV's I've played on, most of them have a noticeable response time (time from button press to action happening on screen). This really limits how well an FPS can be played.

To this point i've stuck with playing my 360 on my computer monitor, but really want to get an HDTV. Are there any TV's out there that have great response times?

CRT's probably are the fastest in terms of response time, but they lack true High Definition which most gamers like. From my use of all 3 technologies, LCD, Plasma and DLP, the fastest response times still come from a Plasma television. The newer LCD's are catching up, but Plasma still beats them IMHO. If you want, you can check out some review articles on Plasma vs. LCD at the website I refer to below. I have bought a Plasma based on their reviews myself.

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