Thursday, August 29, 2013

How can I get the best possible picture quality on my LED HDTV?

best led hdtv picture quality
 on best led hdtv picture quality on ... KDL40EX720 40-Inch 1080p 3D LED ...
best led hdtv picture quality image


I've recently purchased a 50" Sony Bravia 1080p 120Hz LED HDTV and while the picture quality of quite good straight out of the box, I'm sure it could be better. I haven't really altered the settings at all so does anyone know if there are particular settings to get the best possible picture? I do have it hooked up with a HDMI cable.

You cannot use anybody elses numbers because the adjustments are there to compensate for YOUR source devices, your cable and your particular television.

Go get a Pixar BluRay or DVD. In the disk setup menu you will find test patterns and instructions on setting your basic Brightness, Contrast and Color. This is important because televisions are set to nearly 100% brightness and contrast at the factory to be 'eye-catching' if the unit is used for a floor demo. Properly setting these values - will NOT look as good at first. But fine details will become noticeable, wide areas of solid colors will be more solid and not swirl with other colors, etc.

This is a basic calibration you are doing. You can always order the new Disney WOW disk, the Speiers and Munsel or good old Digital Video Essentials. These disks have more test patterns, are more involved but give you lots of great tutorials.

Start with a Pixar disk. This may be all you need.

Also - go into the TV and turn OFF various optional processing like 'motion flow' and other things. While these things do make motion smoother and make some details pop out - it can create un-natural effects like the 'soap-opera' effect. (Once you see this - you will know what I am talking about.)

Oh - and congratulations on the purchase.

If i scratched my HDTV screen by accident does it effect the picture quality of my tv?


What if i accidently scratched my LED hdtv while it was turned on, would it affect the picture quality of my hdtv?

Only if it bothers you.

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