Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Do HDTVs give a better quality picture than older TVs even if you don't subscribe to HDTV?

best picture quality hdtv 2012
 on Best Picture Quality HDTV 2012
best picture quality hdtv 2012 image

Hermione G

I want to know if there is an observable difference in picture quality with an HDTV as opposed to an older TV bought in 2001 - not flat screen. This is if I do not subscribe to HDTV from my cable provider while using the newer HDTV. Thanks
I didn't make myself clear. I have digital cable. I just don't pay extra for the high density stations.
I repeat: I have digital cable. I use a cable box. I pay comcast x amount of dollars a month to get digital cable. It's just that it is NOT a box that delivers High Def.

Keep your 2001 TV until such time as you decide to upgrade to HD reception. The analog channels that you get via direct cable (no box) will not look better on an HDTV, and will probably be worse. An HDTV is a digital receiver, and it has to compromise an analog signal in order to display it.

If you're in the U.S., your cable company is likely to go all-digital some time after the end of 2012, so that might be the time to consider a new TV.
Per your additional details: same response. An HDTV will display a standard-def digital signal very nicely, about as good as it can get, but the difference compared to your old set is not enough to warrant investing in an HDTV. You wouldn't be utilizing the set's capabilities that you paid for. Buy an HDTV when you upgrade to HD.

When do we need to switch to HD Tv's?

Jackie B

I know there is a law coming up and that all companies will only run on hd tvs and that everyone has to go out and but a new HD tv but when is all of this happening.

(This answer assumes you are located in the US)

Someone is giving you bad information.

No one has to buy a new TV.

What is true is that the US is changing over from an analog to a digital TV broadcast system. However, digital TV signals can be cheaply converted to analog signals that old TVs can use. This includes "HDTV" signals.

If you get TV over the air (OTA), you will need to buy a converter box to keep using older TVs. Most analog TV signals will be shut down after 2/17/2009. Starting in Jan 2008 the government will start giving out coupons that will let you buy a couple of them for about $20 each. If you get good OTA reception now, you should be able to use your old TV antenna.

Satellite TV signals are already digital. The receivers have a converter to change them to analog for older TV's

Cable companies are required to maintain analog TV service until at least 2012.

If you go to Walmart you can buy "SDTV"s that have digital tuners and can receive all the digital OTA broadcasts, including "HD" ones. The difference is that a SDTV or an old TV with a converter box can only display a picture of the quality that you get with a DVD player. A HDTV set can display a picture with at least twice as much picture resolution.

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